Appeal for Water Relief

In the Holy Quran Allah (swt) says in Surah Al-Anbiya, Ayat 30: 

“Do the disbelievers not realize that the heavens and earth were once one mass then We split them apart? And We created from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” 

Why Water?

Global water crisis is a known reality, and it has become further exacerbated due to climate change. It is evident from intense and shifting weather conditions prompting heavy rains, floods, prolonged droughts, etc. This is no more a regional issue rather there is regular escalation in hostilities among communities and nations due to claims on the rights of water channels and sources. The divide between poor and rich is evident from various perspectives but we watch poor communities living mostly in areas where water is becoming scarce at a very fast pace. 

This water shortage is leading us to a catastrophe which is preventable. This shortage is affecting global food security and thus making life much harder for the poor communities. On a global scale we are now aware that: 

  • Around 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water.
  • 2.7 billion people find water scarce for at least one month of the year.
  • 2.4 billion people are exposed to diseases due to inadequate sanitation.
  • Two million people, mostly children, die each year from water-borne diseases alone.


Why should we provide water to the poor?

Sa’d ibn ‘Ubadah reported: I said, “O Messenger of Allah, my mother has died. Shall I give charity on her behalf?” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Yes.” I said, “Which charity is best?” The Prophet said, “A drink of water.” 

(Sunan al-Nasai 3664) 

The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030, requires we invest in adequate infrastructure, provide sanitation facilities, and encourage hygiene. This way we can protect lives of so many people because the access to water can bring multi-dimensional benefits.

This water shortage is leading us to a catastrophe which is preventable. This shortage is affecting global food security and thus making life much harder for the poor communities. On a global scale we are now aware that: 

Why giving water through FRDP Pakistan is more rewarding?

FRDP Pakistan uses multiple-use approach in providing access to water for the poor communities. We know poor people use water for a wide range of activities including but not limited to physical needs. We design our projects with care for different tiers of the communities to maximise benefits of water schemes. We focus on: 

  • Protecting lives with the delivery of clean water.
  • Ensuring protection of ecosystem for sustainable water usage.
  • Gender-sensitive approach to foster gender equality.
  • Linking water sources with income generation activities such as kitchen gardening.
  • Providing excess water for animals, livestock.

Water Handpump

Water is vital to our lives. We often forget that in some parts of the world, having easy access to clean water is a luxury. FRDP International provides clean drinking water to needy communities in Asia and Africa. We not only provide water solutions but also conduct awareness-raising sessions to educate a community about safe water and hygiene.

The gift of a tube well will ensure that a family have access to clean water for drinking, washing and cooking.

Tube wells designed to last at least 10 years and can be easily maintained by the beneficiary.

Once your Hand Pump is installed, you will receive a completion report of your hand pump with location and pictures. The whole process from start to finish can take up to 6 to 8 weeks. You can also choose a name for the plaque on the handpump.

Donate PKR 44,000 and provide life-sustaining water every day for over 30 people and their livestock.

This Ramadan, FRDP Pakistan will be appealing for Ramadan Food Parcels that will need your support. Whether you would like to pay Zakat, Sadaqah, Fidya or Kafarah – your Ramadan donations will help us distribute food packs and provide Suhur and Iftar to a deserving family for a whole month ensuring they stay nourished and healthy.

Deep Water Well

Install a deep water well in Sindh and drought-hit Tharparkar, Pakistan, where sweltering temperatures mean surviving the day is difficult and protect a whole village. These wells are constructed in communal places to benefit the whole village and community.

Water is about much more than quenching thirst; it helps communities to lift themselves out of poverty.

For most of us, access to water is as simple as turning on a tap. In drought-affected Tharparkar, in Pakistan’s Sindh province, accessing clean safe drinking water is one of the biggest challenges faced by communities. Many villages in Thar lack basic facilities, including access to water. In rural Tharparkar, there is little over 250 mm of annual rainfall and limited irrigation. That means that people in this area are restricted to groundwater in order to meet their needs.

The task of collecting water falls mainly to women and children in these communities. Usually women and children would spend three to five hours a day fetching water from wells from human and livestock needs.

Transform a community for generations to come

When you donate PKR 1,32,000, you’ll be transforming life for a whole village in Tharparparkar for many years to come. Every time a resident is able to drink clean water, grow a plant, feed an animal, or work instead of spending their day fetching water, which will be your blessed legacy.

Donate PKR 1,32,000 for Pakistan and help FRDP Pakistan bore a deep well and install a pump. One well can provide life-sustaining water every day for over 70 people and their livestock. Your gift will save lives for years to come.

On completion of a Deep Well you will receive a feedback report within 12 weeks with pictures of the well including your specified plaque.

Solar Powered Water Well

Thar is one of the remotest and poorest areas of Pakistan in Sindh that is often hit by drought and scarcity of water is the main threat to the life of humans as well as animals. The region suffers from poor rainfall low levels of groundwater, and lack of electricity, making drinking water a distant dream for the villagers.

For communities in Tharparkar, gathering water for the day means hard work. On average, three members from a household – usually women – spend three to five hours a day fetching water from wells at least three kilometres away from their villages. People need a camel or a pair of donkeys to pull a bucket of water from wells, which are about 250 to 300 feet deep; otherwise, no one alone can pull a bucket by hand from such deep wells.

Conditions for solar energy are good in this region, which makes solar pumps are a practical solution, especially for the remote villages and homes that are far from a power grid. Besides offering access to needed water, these pumps will save time and energy for those who are gathering the water. That means children will be able to attend school, women can use their time more productively.

In addition to running the pump to bring up the water, the solar panels generate electricity, which is routed to local schools, mosques and communal places.

Powered by the sun, the solar-powered water well can provide a lifetime of water for 1,000 villagers and their livestock for a one-time cost of PKR 2,574,600 per well from generous donors like you.

Together we can provide safe drinking water by using alternative energy to improve health, hygiene and the overall well-being of the people of Tharparkar.

Small Solar Powered Water Station

The solar-powered well is a unique way to bring underground water to a surface-based water tank for an easy and regular access. In areas where water is scarce and deep between 150ft to 300ft, it is extremely difficult and laborious for the communities to fetch water for daily consumption. Mostly, women and children to pull from a deep well for a bucket of water. With solar solution, the energy from sun is harnessed to pull water and fill tank at surface level in a matter of minutes. The submersible pump works with the solar energy and fills the tank constantly whenever the water level drops in the tank. The community can extract water as much required using taps. This use of technology has reduced huge burden from these poor communities and their access to water has improved considerably. 

Donate PKR 285,000 for small solar-powered water station.

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